• Question: do you know anything about extra terestrial life in ancient eygpt???

    Asked by 1002tom to Leila, Adam on 15 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Adam Stevens

      Adam Stevens answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      There’s a book by a guy called Erik von Daniken (might have spelled that wrong) who thought that he had found evidence for aliens visiting Egyptians, Mayans, Babylonians and lots of other ancient civilisations.

      He was a bit mad though, so I wouldn’t believe it!

    • Photo: Leila Battison

      Leila Battison answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      I was really interested in Egyptology when I was little, but I never really believed that any of the things they built or drew had anything to do with aliens. It just seemed to me like a great way of showing off and saying, “Look at us, we’re great, and we can build huge things like pyramids that are pretty much pointless!”

      The ancient civilisations were fascinated with shapes and numbers, so they built things that lined up with the stars, and even a temple that only got light on two specific days of the year. People say that scientists couldn’t do that today, so it must be signs of aliens. But scientists could do it, and the Egyptians managed it by thinking hard about it for the first time.
