• Question: Do you think dinosaurs are still alive perhaps in an "alternate universe"?

    Asked by howyilms1 to Adam, Catherine, Karen, Leila, Nazim on 15 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Leila Battison

      Leila Battison answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      If you believe in alternate universes, then there must be infinite numbers of alternate universes where infinite numbers of things are happenning. There’s probably even one where we are dinosaurs typing this, right now!

    • Photo: Adam Stevens

      Adam Stevens answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      I’m pretty sure velociraptors would have trouble with qwerty keyboards.

    • Photo: Karen Masters

      Karen Masters answered on 18 Mar 2012:

      I know a lot of people who talk about multiverses in cosmology, but I’ve always disliked the idea. I doubt it’s true, but I have no proof either way.
