• Question: How do you let other people know about your research/what you are doing/what you have found out? Is it hard to get lots of other people (including people who aren't that interested in Science) to hear about what you have found out?

    Asked by balletshoes1998 to Adam, Catherine, Karen, Leila, Nazim on 16 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Adam Stevens

      Adam Stevens answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      Generally you publish papers in scientific journals. This is normally quite hard work, but it means that people will read about what you’ve done.

      Otherwise you can go to conferences and do presentations to lots of other people in your field, or just talk to them in person!

      To get to talk to other (normal :P) people we have to do things like I’m A Scientist, or go into schools and things like that. You can also arrange public lectures.

    • Photo: Karen Masters

      Karen Masters answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      This is one of the main jobs of a scientist. If you do the work but no-one knows about it what’s the point. Professionally we share information in various ways

      1. Write papers
      2. Give talks at big meetings
      3. Visit other departments to talk about the work.
      4. Email and interact online with other scientists.

      To share work with the wider public there’s also several ways. For example

      1. Make a press release which journalists want to write about (I’ve been involved in these a couple of times)
      2. Write your own blog (I do this: http://www.beautifulstars.blogspot.com)
      3. Get involved in a blog of your project (I do this for Galaxy Zoo)
      4. I’ma fan of twitter. I have almost 1000 followers on twitter who I try to talk to about my research.
      5. Give public lectures (but then people have to want to come)
      6. Go visit schools etc.

      I try to do all of these as much as I am able. It’s a lot to do though!

    • Photo: Leila Battison

      Leila Battison answered on 17 Mar 2012:

      I think communicating science to people who aren’t scientists is the most important thing about doing science. If you’re doing science that nobody ever gets to hear about, then what is the point of doing it?!

      I enjoy talking to other people about science just as much (and maybe a little bit more) than doing the science itself. But it can sometimes be hard because journalists can get it wrong, so its best to do it yourself! That’s why things like twitter and blogs on the internet (and this!) are great because you can talk directly to people whenever and however you like!

    • Photo: Nazim Bharmal

      Nazim Bharmal answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      As scientists, we can talk to other scientists at conferences, give presentations, and write papers that go in journals for others to read.

      When it comes to the general public, if you can interest the radio or TV then you can get time to have a programme where you present some ideas. Then there are science fairs in the towns where scientists are based, and open days at the universities or offices where they work.

      These days you can also write webpages, have a blog, a Twitter account, or even put videos on YouTube. But usually, talking to people directly is the best way.
