• Question: how was gravity created?

    Asked by charlietetley to Adam, Catherine, Karen, Leila, Nazim on 14 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by purplebug123.
    • Photo: Karen Masters

      Karen Masters answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      I think if you could answer that you’d be in line for a Nobel Prize in a few years. That’s a huge question – we’re not even sure we understand how gravity works on all scales. People where I work are trying to see if some of the recent stuff we’re finding out in cosmology is due to gravity being really close to how Einstein explained it, but just slightly different in some places.

    • Photo: Adam Stevens

      Adam Stevens answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      It was created along with the other 3 fundamental forces in the Big Bang. How, we don’t know.

      Maybe it’s caused by the Higgs boson, maybe not!

    • Photo: Leila Battison

      Leila Battison answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      Nobody knows! All we know is that anything with mass also has gravity. The more mass, the more gravity, and the more likely you’ll be attracted to the surface.

      But why o things with mass have gravity? *shrugs* It’s the next big question after finding the Higgs Boson.
