• Question: I noticed, after reading a little about you, that you are developing camaras to take clearer shots of the stars and galaxies etc. Do you find it rewarding to show somebody a picture of something extraordinary, where they have never been before, and say "I took that!"?

    Asked by balletshoes1998 to Nazim on 19 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Nazim Bharmal

      Nazim Bharmal answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      To some extent, it is important in my work to present it to other scientists to show what we have been doing so that they can say “yes, this is good work and I might want to work with him in the future”. So it can be literally rewarding. For the public, whom don’t necessarily know exactly what we are doing, it is, I think, very important to show how we are using their tax money. So it is rewarding in that sense too, to prove that we are spending your tax money properly. Our pictures are quite technical, so nobody has every said “wow!”, yet.
