• Question: Is there an event that has happened that is mind blowing and hard to believe science wise?

    Asked by highpriestesswill to Adam, Catherine, Karen, Leila, Nazim on 16 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Leila Battison

      Leila Battison answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      I think a lot of scientific discoveries are really mind-blowing at the time they are made. People don’t want to believe them immediately, but eventually they change their point of view. This is called a ‘paradigm shift’ (Fancy word!)

      But when scientists at CERN in Switzerland thought they had found particles that were going faster than light, it was a really big deal, because all our physics says that *nothing* can go faster than light. So if it was true, then all of physics as we know it would have been wrong. Obviously, most scientists didn’t want to believe it! But in this case they were right not to, because just a month ago they showed that the results were a little bit wrong because of some bad wiring in the machine!

    • Photo: Adam Stevens

      Adam Stevens answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      I think one of the most mind blowing things in the universe is a human being.

      We’re so complicated and unique and carry so much stuff that we don’t really understand.

      Just this morning I was listening to a scientist talking about just how complex our brains are, how different our brains are from other animals and about whether the important questions are understanding consciousness, or understanding how the brain works from a more mechanical point of view.

      Yes, we understand the human body fairly well, but there’s a lot we don’t. We don’t fully understand some illness or mutations or particular neurological disorders. We don’t understand whether (just as an example) autism is caused by genes or upbringing or hormones or a bit of all three.

      So yeah, I think we’re pretty mind blowing.

    • Photo: Karen Masters

      Karen Masters answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      I think every child that is born is mind blowing – we make them and they turn into real people. Amazing! Explained by science, but still amazing.

      Just because something is explainable doesn’t mean it’s not amazing (or mind blowing) in fact most scientists would say it makes it more so…..

    • Photo: Nazim Bharmal

      Nazim Bharmal answered on 20 Mar 2012:

      You could say the beginning of life. If it happened as we understand it, then the chances of life starting were tiny, but it did get going.
