• Question: What were your hobbies when you were younger?

    Asked by aliceb to Leila, Karen, Catherine on 11 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Leila Battison

      Leila Battison answered on 10 Mar 2012:

      I was interested in everything, and tried a lot of things only once, like Ballet and the Piano.

      Mostly I was very crafty and artistic. I filled my parents house with drawings and paintings and things that I had made from stuff I found around the house. I spent a lot of time outside, exploring and building things and generally getting dirty.

      When we first got a computer, I started writing stories and playing very old-school computer games too!

    • Photo: Catherine Rix

      Catherine Rix answered on 11 Mar 2012:

      When I was younger I used to do lots of drama, I went to a local drama group and was in lots of plays. I don’t do it now but the experience was really useful because now I have to give a lot of presentations and speak at conferences which can be a bit scary sometimes!

    • Photo: Karen Masters

      Karen Masters answered on 11 Mar 2012:

      I was really into a lot of things. One that has stuck with me is reading – I still read a lot (novels mostly).

      I was really into music. I played the flute quite well and was even in the Warwickshire Youth Wind Band for a while. I also learned to play the violin at a basic level when I was doing GCSE music. And I enjoyed singing in the school choir (and the church choir where we got paid to sing for weddings which was a source of pocket money for a while!).

      I enjoyed Guiding – mostly the adventure holidays and the camping (I got to go to Austria and Sweden with the Guides), but also all the things we learned about looking after ourselves. I was a young leader for a brownie pack for quite a while too which was very educational.

      I was never that sporty, but I enjoyed trying, and played WA for my school hockey team for a while. I was way too short for netball much to my disappointment.

      I did get into drama a bit as a teenager, and was in a couple of musical plays which was great for my confidence. I really liked the dancing in that which inspired me to do dancing – I joined the Birmingham Youth Dance Company for a while, and I also took up ballet as an undergraduate.

      OK well that’s it. And looking back it’s a lot! I really enjoyed trying lots of new things out.

      But my son is “helping” me write this which is a bit challenging. His lego men are very interested in the picture of “Mummy” which is also a bit hazardous to my laptop! 😉 My “hobby” now is mostly motherhood! 😉
